Is grammarchecker better than the other grammar checker applications available on the internet?

Frankly speaking we don’t know. Yes, we have studied the other grammar applications quite closely. Any weaknesses that were displayed in them we have catered for them. Therefore we can say that yes, if we are not better, grammarchecker.co does mark all common grammar mistakes and displays them to the users to correct. Since grammarchecker.co is a new application we won’t know if it’s an improvement over other similar applications till we start receiving users’ feedback and an independent organization runs benchmark tests and posts the results. Therefore we will let the users decide whether they think grammarchecker.co is doing a better job than the other competitors. What we do know is that grammarchecker.co has been designed to incorporate all the popular grammar rules in its checking, which it does quite efficiently. Secondly, we know that the mobile and tablet market is expanding and in this market users are limited for free space on their devices. While at the same time more and more people are tending to use these devices for their daily verbal and written communications. Therefore we have launched grammarchecker.co to be an online application, which does not require users to download and install the application. By adopting this strategy a user will be more inclined to use it as it will not be taking up any space on their devices and whenever they use it they will be getting to use the latest version. Speed of checking users documents is a major factor that we have catered for and yes it’s fast. Compare it to other grammar checker applications and you will feel the difference in time it takes to check a submitted document. If you as a user face any issues no matter how insignificant it might be, do let us know as we are constantly engaged in improving the application. Yes, we do look forward to grammarchecker.co gaining in popularity and reliability.