Does grammarchecker make copies of documents submitted for checking?

No, grammarchecker.co does not make copies of submitted work and neither does it store them anywhere. With thousands of documents being submitted by users for checking everyday grammarchecker.co would require massive storage space to save documents. That is something grammarchecker.co does not have and neither does it intend to go down this road in the future. Like a photocopier does not store copies of documents photocopied, grammarchecker.co does not make or store copies. It is intended to provide a grammar checker solution for users and that’s exactly what it does. The team that has developed grammarchecker.co is only fixed on providing a fast, easy to use solution to customers and has no hidden agenda.

The present computer world has very few grammar checking applications available and grammarchecker.co wants to make an impact in this market. Most of the available grammar checker applications require users to sign-up to test the product and after the test phase is over to purchase it. This is a sales technique used by them but grammarchecker.co does not follow this practice. Grammarchecker.co is a free to use application for all users who are looking for a free solution to help them correct their grammar mistakes. Grammarchecker.co will never require users to register nor will it make and store copies of any submitted document. Grammarchecker.co respects and safeguards users privacy rights.